I’m a Donor


I’m a Donor

To help build a better LaSalle community, the LaSalle Community Fund (“LCF”) works mostly with existing & new not-for-profit Organizations and Charities in LaSalle to provide tax-deductible funds through our affiliation with the WindsorEssex Community Foundation (“WECF”) from donors for worthy & approved projects within the Town of LaSalle.

Your gift can be directed toward an existing fund, used to establish a new fund, directed immediately to a community charity or project through a flow-through donation, or held in perpetuity with only the interest for the investment used to grant back to the community. The LCF and the WECF are happy to assist you with your gift-giving options. To understand the tax advantages for each gift type, both present & future gifts, we suggest you consult your financial advisor.

You can donate online, by clicking on the DONATE NOW button below. You will be immediately redirected to the WECF CanadaHelps.org donation form. Just simply fill out the form.

You can also donate by Cheque or Electronic Transfer. Please call the Windsor/Essex Community Foundation (519-255-6572) and the staff at the Foundation will be happy to assist you. 

“All donations, no matter how large or small, make a difference”